Not to mention the fact that I'm tired of old Chinese hags telling me I'm a portly beast. STFU. Thank you.

So on Thursday, I have an appointment for my first private Pilates lesson at Club Pilates - they were having a special intro for newbies. I've done mat Pilates here and there but have always been interested in the machines. Maybe they're the magic bean I need to ignite my inner fox. Rowr.

Did I mention I hate running? I've only been able to drag myself out once a week for the last couple weeks - running about a mile each time. I hate running.
The goal here is to do at least one 5-8K run per month because running for the sake of exercise and health is not motivation. But running for the sake of not embarrassing myself by coming in last is!
I'm starting with the St. Patrick's Day Dash. Are you in?
I try to stay super active just so I don't have to "exercise" but really, there's no way around it....and I hate it too ...unless it's sort of wrapped up in a fun package so it's a 2fer. Running is the best and quickest I think ...but still, I hate it!!!! Good luck!
OMG. Do you realize this may be our first encounter????? I'll be participating in the st. pats dash this year. Although instead of running I'll be speed walking due to the creature inside my tummy. Nonetheless I'd love to buy you a brew-ha in the beer garden afterwards. Kinda like a first date?
had this same conversation with myself last night, i have to start exercising too - ugh. but you will LOVE pilates, I did it for about 4 months straight in college (i was forced to, because it was for a grade) and I lost so much weight and my waist became tiny! good luck with the 5ks, too!
the Pilates Reformer is amazing. can't recommend it enough. I'm a big time cardio girl, I do lots of running and aerobics but there is nothing like the Pilates Reformer.
I'm impressed with your commitment to running. I always say I'm going to do one of those 5k runs but I never do.
you go girl!
i've wanted to try pilates for ever and a day. excited to hear about it. maybe you should come down to la for shopping AND a 5k?
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