I've been (guiltily/lazily) Twittering much more than blogging. It's just fast and easy. Instant gratification s'il te plait. I really haven't even been reading my favorite reads. I think in reading other people's well kept blogs, I feel even more ashamed that I'm not keeping up. It's like Rebecca Bloomwood hiding her bills in a drawer rather than dealing with the reality - minus the bad credit.
The last race that I did was the Furry 5K. Since then, I've unfortunately been suffering from shin splints and have basically sidelined my racing days. I did, however, participate in my favorite race as a walker with my dad!Woke up early, picked him up and off we went to walk the Shore Run. My dad was really nervous about it and had been "preparing" for it by walking on his treadmill before taking the doggy out for his morning walk! Isn't that too cute? Afterwards, we went to brunch! That's always the best part.
Dad's eager to do the next 5K! Swedish 5K anyone?
On another note, I'm on my fourth week of bootcamp. Mostly they consist of:
push ups
tricep dips
incline push ups
push up/side plank combos
squat thrusts
mountain climbers
wall sits
run 1/2 mile
and repeat 3 to 4 times in 1 hour for a total of 2 miles
It pretty much kicks my arse during the hour but I haven't been getting sore. Must work harder!! I'm bringing my dumbells this week.
I still haven't lost any weight at all. Muscle-schmuscle! I want to see a smaller number dammit!
Miss you.
I'm married!!!
15 years ago
you are so dedicated!
You motivate me to lose my prego weight. can't wait to get cleared to exercise again. Although I will admit I did attempt push-ups last night...only got to SIX. A very dark moment.
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