Far from it! I know that's what some of y'all are thinking and I totally appreciate your concern! In fact, I love you for it! Seriously. The number of you who've been hassling me, I mean, checking in on me... It really means a lot.

And you're not the only one who felt sorry for me! Daddy (real, not sugar) felt so sorry for me that he treated me to my first trip to Hawaii! A mini family vacay before the wedding.
It was perfect!

Too. Cute.
Then there was a the food. Ono's, Rainbow's, Ted's, Giovanni's....

I'm gonna try to recreate the shrimp scampi at home soon. I'll tell you how it goes.
One of the highlights of our trip was swimming with wild dolphins and sea turtles! My 13-year-old niece and I took a 4-hour cruise on the west side of Oahu. There were no guarantees about actually swimming with dolphins because they're, you know, wild. I was just hoping to at least seem some from the boat.
It took us a while to find them in the water (basically the boat drops you off in the ocean and they tell you what direction to swim and hopefully you find the dolphins!) We were really fortunate that day because the dolphins were extremely friendly and playful. They were jumping and flipping in the air as soon as we arrived.

That is until one of them started pooping. No really. Actual poop. As in, all of a sudden there were a stream of browness. Ick.
Truly one of the best experiences in my life and I can't wait to do it again. It was that amazing. And no, I wasn't scared at all. *dreamy*
Since I'm still working only part time (and collecting unemployment!) I really couldn't take advantage of the low sales tax in Hawaii. But it sure was nice to shop vicariously through my mommy! Stay tuned.
I'm really just trying to enjoy the rest of my summer. I've been working a couple days a week, taking yoga classes, working out, and really just doing my own thing - trying not to watch too much tv, though I've really gotten into watch The Tudors.
I think Hunny Bunny is a little anxious for me to start working again but I'm not in a hurry. Just a little longer, okay?
you're back! amazingness.
big kiss,
Oh the life! Enjoy the time you have to yourself now. Tell HB that you'll get back to work later... ;)
Lol that is REALLY far from depressing!!! enjoy your 'ME' time ^^
I love hawaii and am so happy that you had such a great time!
WELCOME BACK!!!!! To the blog and also to Seattle!
I hope you remembered to apply sunblock to all of the relevant places (don't want red boobies again like in Cabo!).
love hawaii.
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