It was a
long day.

Thankfully it was easy to change from the Chinese wedding outfit to my wedding dress. A quick zip here and there. Voila! Done!
Hunny Bunny had a issues with my veil. He kept yanking it off (accidentally, I hope!) throughout the day. At least my hair was still intact.

I let the girls do whatever they wanted with their hair, especially since I pulled a bridezilla and asked that they all have similar makeup. Aren't they pretty?
(My niece is the one with the headband - she was a junior bridesmaid.)

My gifts to the girls were dangly pearl earrings. Since I knew I would wear my pearl necklace, I thought it would be a nice tie-in to have them wearing something similar.
I also wanted to give them something they could wear both during the wedding and also in their every day life. I didn't want to get them pearl studs because sometimes that can look matronly and boring. The dangly earrings were much more fun, and young, and definitely more

The guys all wore their own suits. We didn't want to have rented tuxedos and we also didn't want to burden them with having to a new matching suit. They all had black suits in their closet so we just had them wear what they felt comfortable in.

Hunny Bunny wore a grey tie to go with our yellow-grey color scheme. The guys wore black.

HB's nephew was our ring bearer and he took his job very seriously. He had that silly grin plastered on his face the entire ceremony. His little brother is just as adorable.
We had been taking pictures around the W hotel lobby and bar. It had been raining all morning. Hello? November in Seattle? Of course it was raining!
But we lucked out. There was mini break between storms and we decided to risk it and head to the Seattle Public Library for a few shots.

Several people in our wedding party had never been to the library and were in complete awe.

If you're ever in town, you must visit the library. It's absolutely amazing. The long escalator ride was perfectly matched with our colors.

Then we needed to rush back to the W before it started raining again. (Word on the street was that it was pretty miserable for the rest of the day!)

Glad there weren't any puddles to ruin my grey Pradas!

Just a few minutes before the ceremony and one of my friends brought up a bottle of muscato to hopefully quell my down-the-aisle jitters.
you were a stunning bride...these photos are beautiful!
love love love. esp those dangly earrings. big kiss, mrs. can't wait to see more!
Beautiful! I really, really, really love the yellow/gold dresses and flowers with everything. Everything looks stunning. As a fellow newlywed (I got married last year), a warm wish of congratulations!
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