Anyway, when they were doing some of the bios, I was really intrigued by some of Leanne Marshall's clothing line, Leanimal.

And that coat! It looks so stylish but at the same time, not overly trendy. Hmm. I may have to try to find some of her clothes before she blows up all over the place and stops selling to the little people.
She's from Portland, OR. And I'm planning to spend the day there sometime in October. Why October you ask? Because I can't really, really shop until then.

Can I just say that I was kinda disappointed/ashamed that the Chinese guy got sent home first?! He had the talk but not the walk. Sad!
I have a feeling this will be a good season. I befriended the annoying tan guy from seattle on myspace.
i loved leanne too. also I hope the guy who worked for marc jacobs has potential. but the blue cups guy stole my "A" for the episode ;)
agree with d. i heart the daniel vosovic wannabe as well.
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