Ever since I started my morning workouts, it seems as though I'm not able to sleep in any more. Even on the weekends, the latest I can sleep 'til is probably about 7. Gawd. If that isn't the sign of old age, I don't know what is.
Anygeezer, this weekend was no different.
By the time it was 2:30 in the afternoon, I had already:
- taken a long walk (with some lunges and high knee lifts thrown in the mix!) with little Napolean
- showered and dressed
- had brunch at Bario (yummy btw)
- cleaned up dog barf in my car (don't ask)
- bought coffee
- gone canoeing
- saw a man at the lake wearing a thong whilst canoeing
- and got fitted for new running shoes (haven't decided yet)
I think it's kinda rubbing off on Hunny Bunny too because he was pretty much up and at 'em (or should I say bright-eyed and bushy-tailed? Get? Bunny? Bushy-tail? FAIL.) by the time I got back from the walk!
that's a chinky lookin' dog there. i'll leave it to you to decide who i'm talkin' about. d'oh!
We've been doing walks around Greenlake every weekend. Last week the turtles were all out sunning on some logs and it was the cutest thing. (Besides our dogs of course).
The phrase "wearing a thong whilst canoeing" keeps cracking me up!! LOL
i like waking up early too. i can get so much done.
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